In the aftermath of GE14, a fellowship of comics joined hands to form 1Malaysia Comedians Bureau (1MCB). Proudly and unabashedly Malaysian, 1MCB presents its maiden show, 1MCB – RAW AND UNAUDITED, featuring Brian Tan, Gajen Nad, Keren Bala Devan, Shamaine Othman and Sulaiman Azmil. With humour that straddles popular culture, politics, food (vegetarian and non-vegetarian – 1MCB caters to all!), history, international and domestic relations, love, science and technology, movies, music and even the elusive field of vexillology, an evening with 1MCB promises to be a side-splitting journey of laughter and hilarity! Parental Advisory: For mature audience only. 18 and above.

Showtime: 9pm
Doors open: 8.30pm
Tickets: RM60 and RM50.

To purchase, scan the QR code on the poster or visit www.1mcbcomedy.com. If you have any inquiries on ticket purchase, please call 017 228 9849.

Date & Time
