12 Aug Spiritual Summit 2022
The much-anticipated Spiritual Summit 2022 is here! For the first time ever in Kuala Lumpur. 2 days • 15 speakers and moderators • 1 large gathering of knowledge seekers Grab your tickets...
The much-anticipated Spiritual Summit 2022 is here! For the first time ever in Kuala Lumpur. 2 days • 15 speakers and moderators • 1 large gathering of knowledge seekers Grab your tickets...
Splendours of Malay World Textiles is an unprecedented exhibition aiming at exhibiting the entire genre of textiles from the Malay World.It will display 650 textiles divided into 12 major categories...
智【创】未来公益讲座会 2.0 ~ 来了挥别2年疫情的影响,SQ 联合 POL 重磅出击呼吁大家一起播种一份善心,收获十份知识,日行一善,人人都能做到!取之于民,用之于民SQ致力培养优秀企业家的平台, POL乃是当今优秀团队企业,我们真诚地期许,通过【智创】公益讲座再次发扬学习和公益的共享精神,“关爱贫困学子、关怀高龄老人、关注弱势群体,我们在行动”与2019年的承诺不变,我们将所筹全额入场费都捐赠于给慈善机构#9位企业家,#9个知识分享【从心灵到知识,从营销到战略】#保证你学习满满!!!日期:23-24/7/2022 星期六、日时间:10am~6pm地点:Menara Ken TTDI票价:原价 RM688 >#爱心捐献价 #RM188 售票连接 #所有款项将全数捐给慈善团体#场地与其他开销又主办当局和联办单位支付 /*! elementor - v3.6.6 - 08-06-2022 */ .elementor-widget-divider{--divider-border-style:none;--divider-border-width:1px;--divider-color:#2c2c2c;--divider-icon-size:20px;--divider-element-spacing:10px;--divider-pattern-height:24px;--divider-pattern-size:20px;--divider-pattern-url:none;--divider-pattern-repeat:repeat-x}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__text{font-size:15px;line-height:1;max-width:95%}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__element{margin:0 var(--divider-element-spacing);-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-icon{font-size:var(--divider-icon-size)}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider-separator{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:0;direction:ltr}.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator{-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator:before,.elementor-widget-divider--view-line_text...
A meaningful charity fair in support of Ariya building fund. All proceeds will go towards the Ariya Vihara Building Project & Building Fund to construct Malaysia’s 1st Theravada Bhikkhuni Nunnery and...
Coming up in this performance will be The Philomusica String Orchestra! Up next, The Philomusica Jazz Ensemble will also be playing multiple wonderful jazz pieces!Please join us at The Space,...
💥 Game Development Workshop & Creative Coding using Scratch 👾For ages: 9 and above🗓️ Date: 4 & 5 June (2 days)🕑 Time: 10 am – 12 pmFee: RM189 per personRegister...
The Philomusica Society, Musicians Linkage, McMillan Woods, and in collaboration with KEN TTDI are proud to present, performing for the very first time, the Philomusica Jazz Ensemble will open the...
The Philomusica Society, Musicians Linkage, McMillan Woods, and in collaboration with KEN TTDI are proud to present, performing for the very first time, the Philomusica Jazz Ensemble will open the...
The Philomusica Society, Musicians Linkage, McMillan Woods, and in collaboration with KEN TTDI are proud to present, performing for the very first time, the Philomusica Jazz Ensemble will open the...
Organized by Ariya Vihara Buddhist Society KL & Selangor in support of the building of the 1st Malaysia Theravada Bhikkhuni Nunnery & Dhamma Training Centre.Ariya Vihara welcome all of you...